Saturday, June 8, 2013

The New Favorite Salad

Lunch Boxes
I enjoy preparing lunches for our outings or road trips!  Though they add to the time I spend in my kitchen, I do love the final product of having created a beautiful, healthy lunch, which I know we will happily enjoy.  I remember how exiting it was to open my brown bag when I was a school girl and find a surprise treat packed in there!  My mother was the master of peeling an orange with a paring knife in one, long, continuous, spiral, snake-like peel!  It was so fun to see how long it could stretch!  These lunch boxes, I purchases through Tupperware, 12 years may find better options, but I love the compartments and size of these.  
This salad bursts with summer flavors 
and can be prepared in minutes!  
Watermelon, Berry, & Fennel Salad
Spinach - use kitchen shears to cut slightly smaller leaf sizes, which are easier to eat
Basil - use kitchen shears to cut enough strips to sprinkle on top
Fennel - sliced thinly
Watermelon - cubed
Strawberries - quartered (or any berry, blueberries look gorgeous with the watermelon!)
Limes - freshly squeezed
Sea salt & Pepper
Begin with a good sized bed of spinach.  Sprinkle on fennel, watermelon, and berries of choice.  Lastly, drizzle on lime juice.  Salt and pepper to taste. 
This salad works best when you make individual plates, rather than prepping it in a large salad bowl.  (the melon is too heavy to toss evenly with the delicate greens, though you may find it works for you).
What else is in the box?
Edamame and radish with lemon, dried apples with cinnamon, and this is what is tucked inside that sandwich:
Of course, wrapping up those boxes with a large napkin 
makes them extra cute and user friendly!
Enjoy your lunch (box)!
Enjoy your lunch!

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