Monday, June 24, 2013

Babyhood Friends

Babyhood Blessings
There is something incredibly special about friends whom have known each other since they were infants!  Distance or time apart can not break this special bond.  We were reminded of this last week when our dear friends came to visit for a few days.  Personalities, looks, interests, bond (even after a two year gap in visits), are the same as they were twelve years ago when they were in diapers!  Their growth is the only apparent change!  
We are so thankful for the richness they add to our lives. 
They are friends whom... 

  are always happy to see each other, 
wear color coordinated clothing without planning,
are sure to watch out for one another,
share snacks,

try to be on their best behavior,
are good sports 
(even the only boy in a gaggle of girls playing dress up!),

remember each other's birthdays,
are always ready for adventures,
love to get wet,
yearn for family trips,

are lovable,

have mothers that love each other,

enjoy dining together,
are a bit silly,
group hug, 
and love to make each other laugh!
We are blessed to have friends to whom it is so difficult to say goodbye,
though we know how incredible it will be the next time we say hello!

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