Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beauty Tip

A Lesson in Beauty
Tip:  When curious about a food or health topic, go to  On the left side you can click on the letter beginning the topic of your interest.  Then watch a brief video...or two!
I went to and...
1.  First find view all topics on his site.  I clicked on K for KALE where I listened to a brief video titled Preventing Wrinkles With Diet. Needless to say, I was intrigued with the possibility of  keeping a few of my own wrinkles at bay.  
2.  Next, I watched Dr. Greger's video lesson on Beauty is More Than Skin Deep.
3.  Then, I drove to the market and bought some KALE!
4.  Finally, I gave my daughters a beauty lesson.  I taught them how to wash their beauty products, greens!  To date, this is my favorite beauty tip and trick!  I love the convenience of the prewashed bags, but this is more beautiful (see below!).
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I like what I see here!


My daughters practice this "Beauty Lesson" at least once a week!  
What a time saver for me! 
Last night my husband found a little, green crawler on his salad!  OOPS!

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