Sunday, June 30, 2013

Painted Ladies

Raising Butterflies
We have had the pleasure of raising butterflies since the girls were little.  The miraculous process of transforming from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly excites us just as much now as it did then!   These tiny creatures become part of our family until the day we accept the necessity of life's circle   (isn't that a lesson in itself?!) and say goodbye.  Watching, learning, studying, and loving butterflies is one of life's pleasures which should be experienced by all!  I hope you can enjoy the transformations in your home, too!
How to...
Today we received our 5 Painted Lady Caterpillars in the mail. offers a variety of insects. 
Complete, detailed instructions on how to care for your creatures are provided.
If you choose to find yours in nature, that is great, too!  We have done it both ways.
Keeping a log of dates, growth, and interesting information
makes for a more thorough scientific study for all ages.
See the little guy on the left posing for his portrait?!
I had to share this miracle, too!  Shasta Daisies!  Big, tall, happy, forgiving perennials!  Every year they get bigger and more magnificent!  I have had this clump, which I continue to thin and transplant, for over 8 years.  They even welcomed being transplanted to a new home in a new city!  You may wish to plant your own!
The joys of summer!

Displaying Art

Create an Art Gallery
Yes, that is a toilet!  I am inviting you into our bathroom!  The bare walls in this bathroom were calling for a little fun!  Welcome,  Art Gallery!!!  The bathroom, or powder room (this one does not have a tub or shower which would bring unwanted moisture), is the perfect place for displaying art!  The bathroom is frequently visited, lengthy visits are sure to encourage earnest viewing,  and admiring  children's creations makes this mommy smile!  Smiling is good!  As children head into middle or high school, a bit less art is created, so savor their masterpieces now (and then) and encourage yours to create an Art Gallery on those walls calling for a bit of fun!
How to...
 Hang art high, low, all around, or
 even behind the door (that is ME!, by Bella)!
Clothes Pins (40 for $1.00 at dollar stores), 
Command Strips (available at craft and hardware stores), Scissors
One box of these Command Strips 
will allow you transform every room into an art gallery!
Cut the double-sided strip vertically.  
It says on the strip which side adheres to the wall.
When deciding where to stick the clothespins, clip the art work on the clothespin before you remove the adhesive, determine spacing, and then stick it proportionally.  We tend to use 3 different paper sizes, so I have clothes pins spaced accordingly.  We either change out the art with a new masterpiece on the same paper size or put up more clothespins!  Watching the wall grow is exciting!
It really is as easy as it looks!
I did remove clothespins that were stuck on the wall and found no damage to the wall or paint!
While you are at it, capture the artists in action!
Julia seemed so big to me at the time and now, 8 years later...
so big!
Let me know where you hang your art wall!

Friday, June 28, 2013

3D Hand Art

Your 3D Hand
This idea was shared through a homeschool network...I looked at it, knew we had to try it, and now  can not locate the site.  Thank you to the creator of this FUN, QUICK, CLEVER, 3D ART PROJECT and to the mom who passed it forward!!
25 minutes to a 3D HAND!
Tag board (thicker paper), Pencil, Ruler (or a straight eye!), 
Sharpie permanent markers, thick colorful markers, a hand!
How To... 
1.  Trace your hand with a pencil
2.  Pencil horizontal lines (like shown) by arcing all the lines in the hand - trying to be equidistant. 
3.  Make ruler-straight, horizontal lines around the hand to the paper's edge.   
4.  Use a Sharpie to trace these pencil lines, but NOT the hand's outline! (marker will cover it up)
5.  Create a repeating pattern, beginning at the bottom of the paper, using as many colors as you desire!
 Julia went with a green-pink-blue pattern!

Skunk Spray Remedy

My late night/early morning (2:00AM):  crickets chirping, dogs whine to go outside, I let them out, they return wearing a skunk's inner strength!
Nearly 10 hours later, after her morning volleyball camp, Sophia tackles the odor and is so successful I recommend she write a Skunk Spray Removal blog post...Here she is!
  The Sophia Stewart Miraculous Skunk Smell Remover Recipe:
1.  Wet dog (preferably with warm water)
    * *be careful with the below procedures around their eyes

2.  Combine and then quickly apply with a sponge (a chemical reaction is taking place):
     1 quart hydrogen peroxide ($.99 at a Dollar Store)
     1/4 cup of baking soda
     1 - 2 teaspoons of liquid soap

3.  Wait  5-10 minutes, then rinse

4.  Repeat if they are still REALLY smelly

5.  Pour and sponge on distilled vinegar (about 3-4 cups), wait 5 minutes

6.  Rinse

7.  Shampoo and rinse with your favorite dog or human shampoo (I like to use conditioner, too!)

7.  Dry with a fluffy towel

8. Invite them inside and give them a special toy and treat!
Goodbye skunk smell!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Button Paperclips

Buttons!  Buttons!!  Buttons!!!  
Interesting Information...
Over 3,000 years ago, during the Bronze Age, the first buttons, fashioned from bone, horn, wood, metal or shells, were used for decoration.  Functional buttons with buttonholes for fastening or closing clothes appeared first in Germany in the 13th century.
Buttons Continue to be a Big Part of My Life!
When my daughters were younger they would string, count, sort, and glue buttons to create art masterpieces!  We read stories about buttons - we LOVED reading CORDUROY, (the bear whose button goes missing) by Don Freeman!  We sewed buttons on dolls and clothes.  We have quite a collection and continue finding purposes for these little gems!  Our latest project, attaching buttons to paper clips.
So many textures, sizes, colors, designs!
Great page markers! (Great book, too!)
Useful for all ages! (Another must read!)
Organize important papers, like Julia's art.
Package in cellophane for gifts!
How to...
Remove shank with a "Shank Remover" available 
at fabric or craft supply stores.
Arrange clips so they are uniform, on a firm card.
Cut corresponding felt squares or circles.  

Sandwich paperclip between button and felt 
with a small dab of hot glue. 
Create a patriotic theme!  
We will give a these to our visiting students, staying with us from Taiwan!

Crafting Supply Management

Crafting Tips!
I often have friends tell me they would craft more often if they did not have to hull supplies out of closets throughout their home.  Storing supplies in functional containers (see my post on Craft Room Spring Cleaning) alleviates some problems.  Having supplies readily, and easily available so you can use them encourages crafting and makes the whole experience more enjoyable and productive!  
Enjoy a few tips which we put to use in our craft room!   
1.  Designate a large, plastic bread board for messy crafts, 
cutting, and hot glue projects.  Store it near the glue gun!
2.  Drawer dividers or silverware trays inside drawers 
store and sort stamps and stamp pads. 

 It is easy to locate a favorite pad color or stamp.
3.  Jars, jars, jars!!!  They allow you to see what is inside!  
Mason jars are my favorite.
4.  Cupcake pans are great for sorting little items while creating.

5.  Suitcases look nice, fit on top of high shelves or stack on top of each other, and they keep contents dust free.
(Cover your eyes to my dust under the suit case above!)
 They hold a lot, as well.
6.  Scissors with decor = FABRIC ONLY!!  
Save your sharp fabric scissors!  Tie a fabric strip (Fabric strips again! See my obsession with them in my previous posts.) or yarn to the handle.  
Let it be known that these are for cloth ONLY!
Happy crafting!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Babyhood Friends

Babyhood Blessings
There is something incredibly special about friends whom have known each other since they were infants!  Distance or time apart can not break this special bond.  We were reminded of this last week when our dear friends came to visit for a few days.  Personalities, looks, interests, bond (even after a two year gap in visits), are the same as they were twelve years ago when they were in diapers!  Their growth is the only apparent change!  
We are so thankful for the richness they add to our lives. 
They are friends whom... 

  are always happy to see each other, 
wear color coordinated clothing without planning,
are sure to watch out for one another,
share snacks,

try to be on their best behavior,
are good sports 
(even the only boy in a gaggle of girls playing dress up!),

remember each other's birthdays,
are always ready for adventures,
love to get wet,
yearn for family trips,

are lovable,

have mothers that love each other,

enjoy dining together,
are a bit silly,
group hug, 
and love to make each other laugh!
We are blessed to have friends to whom it is so difficult to say goodbye,
though we know how incredible it will be the next time we say hello!