Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Flowers and Farms in Carpinteria

Touring the Farms and Nurseries

We were surrounded in great beauty this weekend.  We toured greenhouses, nurseries, and farms in Carpinteria.  The sites and the smells were tremendous.  Sadly, my camera does not give the flowers the praise they deserve.

Westerlay Orchids Greenhouse Tour...
 Just a small corner is captured in this photo.
The magnitude of the greenhouse, laden with orchids, was breathtaking!
How elegant!
We could not resist bringing home some orchids!
Sophia even surprised me with an orchid gift of my own!

 The minis look so sweet in silver creamers!
At Padaro Flowers we saw roses of every hue,
 carrying a multitude of sweet scents,
 and even a variety called Bella! Of course this was my Bella's favorite!
 Ever-Bloom daisies ready to be shipped...
  We will be certain to attend the Carpinteria Greenhouse and Nursery Tours next year!
Sunday we strolled through Pacifica Gardens for a tour.  The flowers, produce, and trees were all so colorful, fresh, organic, and healthy looking.  Oh!  What I would not do to have a green thumb to create this!  They gave away seeds and starter plants, which the girls eagerly planted this afternoon!  The hours of hard work here are evident.  I will settle for visits and reap the rewards of their labor, as I learned I can order produce and even flowers from their bounty!
This is a protea!  I never have seen one like it!  
Evidently it grows on a shrub and is native to South Africa. 
Spice appreciates it! 
 What a beautiful weekend!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Prairie Day

Little House on the Prairie  

Westmont College students hosted a Little House on the Prairie morning for their children's literature class project.  We spent the day in Walnut Grove...      

building cabins
horse back riding
churning butter
and enjoying the prairie!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Crazy About Owls


We love owls!  A little owl friend hoots around our home in the late evenings. Such a happy sound!  Last week we glimpsed an owl in the high hedge outside CostCo!!  Knowing we may spot her in her nest (it is said that she is sitting on eggs!) makes our CostCo run much more pleasurable!  
Out of recycled sweaters, the girls made these hand and cup warmers.  Their little OWL warmers help distinguish their own thermos and are so cozy to grasp.  The Nissan Stainless Thermos, available at Pete's Coffee on State Street in Santa Barbara, is  worth every penny!  No spills, easy to clean, and they last forever.  I have bought and tried many hot cups and these are hands down THE BEST.
Usually I am not drawn to abridged literature, but this story on CD is a definite exception!  We popped it in the car CD player on one of our 35 minute treks to Ventura for our IEW, piano, and guitar classes and were instantly hooked.  I drove slowly!  It is about nature and animals, but primarily about our beloved owls!  Though it is recommended for 6 to 10 year olds, my 10 and 11 year old daughters thoroughly enjoyed it, as did I.  Boys will appreciate it equally, if not more than girls!  Interestingly, the narrator is only 18! His story telling is so captivating!  Enjoy Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat!
My Anthropologie owl candle...what can I say?!  It is a perfect little hoot on my table!

Craft Room Spring Cleaning

I have a deep appreciation for organizing!  Luckily, my daughters do, too!  We cleared out the craft room and created nothing short of a disaster!  When I organize (redo a room, in this case), I find it necessary to empty the room as much as possible.  I then am able to rearrange furniture, begin cleaning, and fill all the spaces again!  Everything seems new and exciting when positioned in its new place.  Also, projects and oodles of ideas pop into my head while sorting through all the stuff!!!! 
The partially empty room:
When my organizing juices get going there is no stopping me, 
which usually results in a late night and tired, but ever so fulfilling morning.  
My girls are tremendous helpers.
We wound skeins of yarn into balls while watching old "Brady Bunch" reruns!
The beauty of all these colors and textures!
Sophia sorted and rolled ribbons!
Julia labeled
The DYMO LetraTag is great for making labels.
Miscellaneous supplies were labeled, thrown into boxes, 
and now rest on a closet shelf.
Who said cleaning out the fabric scraps couldn't be fun?!
It feels more inviting already!
I find baskets, cans, buckets, jars, pitchers - you name it, around my home and repurpose them.  
It is sort of like a treasure hunt, seeking the perfect container!  
 Old, galvanized buckets, baskets, suitcases, jars, tins are my favorites.
 Their beauty and usefulness makes me smile.
More jars...

Galvanized buckets...
Some things are too pretty to be contained...

Some things are just pretty!

The new and improved sewing corner...

The organized supply shelf...

The newly positioned craft buffet!
We accomplished the task of 
reorganizing our craft room! 

Spring cleaning is done for today! 
We are off to play!