Friday, July 26, 2013

Our Taiwanese Girls

Our Taiwanese Girls' "Home Stay"
I stress the "Our," as I feel selfishly possessive!  I love these girls!  They are part of our family!  When consenting to do this, I was hoping my daughters' would brush up on their Chinese and learn about another culture.  Was I ever blown over...these girls brought soooo much more to our home and lives.   Evenings, the time we were together, were priceless:  singing, piano, guitar, games, movies, conversation, laughter, relaxing, partying, eating...     
After reading my previous post titled, Hosting International Guests, you may ask,  
"What is it like having a house full of appreciative, polite, respectful, smart, sweet, 
and always ready for fun, 15 year old Taiwanese girls?" 
It is beautiful!                         
                          IMAGINE THIS:
touring America on USA BINGO night,
receiving Chinese lessons,
preparing mud pies,
giggling all the time,  
They put "socks" on the pasta (sauce!)
They request "snakes" (snacks!)
visiting the inside of a whale,
plotting pranks,
late nights, early mornings, busy days,
(One of us got some sleep!)
playing games like memory,

hot potato,
musical chairs,



having joy grace your table,
your silver polished,
touring local markets, 
sharing the keyboard,
savoring Pineapple Cakes, a Taiwanese treat,
romping at the beach,
celebrating water game victories,
feeding turtles, ducks, and playing with Dolly,
(Look for Dolly, the parrot, in September on a PBS Parrot Special)  
receiving sweet notes,
Need I say more?!  We love "our" dear girls!

They enjoyed United States of America!

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