Julia in Wonderland
Julia had been planning, preparing decorations, writing lists of games, menus, and activities for her Julia in Wonderland party for a few months prior the big day! Truly, I did not do much to orchestrate her party, she was a diligent girl. Of course, her sisters were a great help! Julia's dear friends all dressed in perfect, wonderland attire in the most clever costumes. My camera did not capture their creativity...I am so sad about this. I do believe it is time to upgrade my camera!
Do you know:
I shall let you ponder!
The Characters
Chesshire Cat, Queen, Flower, Mad Hatter, Rabbit, Card, Caterpillar (off crawling),
and of course, Julia
The Tea Party
Julia set a partly pretty, somewhat mad table for tea
Vegan Menu:
zucchini-walnut muffins, carrot-raisin muffins, fruit skewers, nut butter and jam sandwiches,
spinach-hummus wrap sandwiches (detailed in a previous post),
oatmeal cookies, veggies, strawberry cupcakes, tea
Using cookie cutters, hearts, spades, clubs, and diamond finger sandwiches were prepared
Strawberry Cupcakes
Both birthday and "unbirthdays" were celebrated and sung.
The cupcake and muffin recipes I will post soon. All easy and delicious - so the characters said!
Peppermint Tea was sipped
The Games

Teams race to find old skeleton keys to ensure admittance to the party,

and compete to find hidden cards which had to be placed in order, Ace to King,
as demonstrated by the Mad Hatter

Teams try to find the most words using the letters in Lewis Carroll
A friendly game of Royal Croquet was played at the Royal Court...
By asking questions which can be answered with only a yes or no,
characters decipher the card stuck on their forehead.
(Just dab a drop of water or lick the back of the card and it will stick.)
Teams race to set and sip a royal tea party...(Just dab a drop of water or lick the back of the card and it will stick.)
bringing only one item at a time to the "Tea Party."
Tea cups on heads?
Manners were mad!!!
Instead of hot potato, "Hot Rabbit!"
The Craft
Succulent varieties (I am mad about these striking plants!) were transferred into old china tea cups,
which I picked up at thrift stores.
Flowers hot glued to a frame serve as a photo opportunity for each guest with Julia,
as well as dress up the royal chair!

So, why is a raven like a writing desk?
as well as dress up the royal chair!

So, why is a raven like a writing desk?
They both do not have fur, nor do they both have wheels like a bicycle.
There is no answer!!! But, I bet Lewis Carroll got you thinking!
The Post Party.jpg)
All royal guests kept their heads, but roughed it under the stars!
Julia had a very happy birthday in Wonderland!
The End